General Impression
Overall Rating:
/ 10I've nearly finished my month volunteering with Love Volunteers in Zambia. It has been one of the most incredible months of my life. I was working with children at an Orphanage and on a weekend Church project. If you are thinking about volunteering I say go for it, you won't regret it.At times it has been emotional but I have made some incredible memories and hopefully helped a lot of children. They don't have a volunteer house but are hoping to have one up and running by May, if not the local team will book you into a guest house with your own room and an ensuite. It is basic but probably more preferable than a home stay.
The Orphans at the livingstone Orphanage are so lovely, you teach them (with the help of a teacher) from 8amThe lady at the guest house will cook for you in the evening if you want her too but for breakfast and lunch you eat in town. The guest house is a 5 min taxi journey (which costs about $1) then a 10 min walk. There are about 15 children in the class in the morning and then a different 15 in the afternoon, they range from 4-12 years old. You teach from 8am until 12.00 then have a lunch break until 2.30pm and then teach until 4pm. It is just teaching Maths, English, Social Studies or Science. They don't do Sports and the only art is that the littlest ones will draw and colour you pictures.