“The team is great, friendly and helpful”

General Impression

Overall Rating:    9 / 10

I had a great time in Laos and have had meaningful experiences that will guide me in some of my future decisions. In the initial phase, it was important for me to get away from the German way of thinking and get ready for something new.
I was able to learn a lot for myself and in my own way I think I was able to make a good contribution to the project.


Laos with its country and its people is very impressive in its own way. The differences to European countries are big, but if you get involved with the other culture, you can be inspired by the beauty of the country and its people.

Project & Staff

I think it's great that people are improving the level of education through non-profit organizations. The team is great, friendly and helpful. They do a great job even though it can be difficult sometimes.
I had a great time with the teachers and students and hopefully I will have the opportunity to come back one day.


On the one hand it is important to get involved with the culture, on the other hand you have the greatest benefit for yourself and for the project, the teachers and the students, if you are still yourself. The one does not exclude the other, so you just must find the right way and you will.